BankniftyFuture last close: 41926.40 (+0.2%)
On Wednesday, BankniftyFuture was shown strength and ended all time high
BNF was opened 42000 and made a low of 41841 then ended 41926
BNF was seen premium around 140 points
PSUBank index climbed around 3.5%
BoB, Canbank, Pnb, and SBIN seen strong strength
VIX sustained 15.80
Option premium seen very low
As per open interest 41500PE an 42000CE seen highest open interest
If breaks either side trouble for option short sellers
However, BNF is facing a intraday resistance 41975, 42070 and 42230
Stay caution at higher levels!!
On flip side, BNF can be considered as supports as 41850, 41750 and 41600
Below 41600 will try to check 41400
Updated: 08.16 am / 10th Nov 2022