About Us

SEBI Registered Investment Advisor, Stock Market Advisor

Flying calls is a research house and an investment advisory company carrying out operations in the Indian Equities and Derivatives market. I’m SEBI Registered Investment Adviser. Investment Adviser is an individual or a firm that is in the business of giving guidance about securities to customers. I generate intraday as well as delivery calls in Stock cash and F&O in NSE & BSE. We provide recommendations Live through SMS & Chat services.

Investment Advisor L. Arjun has completed MCom, MBA (Finance) and also got SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) Investment Advisor certificate INA200009564. Mr. Arjun is a Research Analyst, Investment Advisor, and Author of Flyingcalls blog.

Flyingcalls is not having 100% accuracy package.


Our Vision:

To grow along with our clients by entering into the major global exchanges and make Flyingcalls the finest research house. Our management team has a wide range of expertise, which ensures value added services for our clients. Our aim is to build real partnership with a limited number of clients by providing consistent, top quality service.

Our Mission:

Loss Limited and Profit Unlimited. We will maximize the return to the clients while maintaining quality in our products and services. Our mission is to be a global corporation with a clear focus and to earn and be worthy of our customer’s trust by providing them with services which are economically and financially beneficial to them and to create awareness regarding the safe trading and investment amongst our clients around the globe.