All stocks of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group took a hammering on Thursday as the word got out that a CBI trial court will pass an order on the plea to probe Anil Ambani. The order is expected to be passed at around 4 p.m. today. Along with Anil Ambani, the CBI court will also decide on the fate of Dayalu Ammal.
Reliance Communication, which was trading at Rs 94 just before the news flash, slumped Rs 7 to touch a low of Rs 87 within a minute, a drop of 8%. Reliance Capital tumbled 6% from Rs 537 to Rs 508 while Reliance Media slipped from Rs 136.5 to Rs 128.5, a drop of 6%. Under the heat, Reliance Power melted from Rs 119 to Rs 116, down 2.5%.
NSE Nifty slipped as a result of the heavyweights falling. NSE Nifty is down 49 points to 5,542 while the BSE Sensex tripped 153 points to 18,456.