The CBI on Monday conducted raids at former telecom minister Dayanidhi Maran’s residence in connection to the 2G spectrum scam.
An FIR was registered against the Maran brothers – Dayanidhi Maran, Kalanithi Maran, Ralph Marshall and T Anandakrishnan on Sunday, under the Prevention of Corruption Act.
The CBI conducted searches in Chennai, Hyderabad and Delhi. The CBI also conducted raids at Apollo Group’s Sunita Reddy’s residence. Reddy, who has not been named in the FIR, was the chairperson of Aircel in 2005.
Reacting to the raids, Janata Party President Subramanian Swamy said, “I’m not surprised. All who have benefited should be brought to book and they should begin with Chidambaram, who has direct involvement in the spectrum scam.”
BJP leader Varun Gandhi tweeted, “Dayanidhi Maran FIR long overdue, but still welcome move. You cannot use a Central ministry to fund a family business empire.”
Political commentator and Thuglak Editor Cho Ramaswamy said that it won’t be long before the 2G trail leads to DMK chief Karunanidhi’s door.
The raids were being conducted in connection with the Aircel-Maxis deal. The CBI had claimed earlier that it found clinching evidence against DMK leader Dayanidhi Maran in the Aircel-Maxis deal.
The CBI alleged that Maran deliberately delayed the licences to Aircel and that he did undue favour to Maxis and in return investments were made by the company in Sun TV, which is a sister concern of Astro Netwrok, a company owned by one of the Maran brothers Ralph Marshall.
The CBI alleged that kickbacks of almost Rs 600 crore were given to Maran brothers after the favour to Maxis Group.
The main charges against the Maran brothers are those of conspiracy, misuse of official position, giving bribe and accepting bribe.