BankniftyFuture last close: 30812.25 (-0.3%)
On Tuesday, BankniftyFuture was seen huge volatility
BNF was opened 39980 and went to 40174 then dropped to 39655 again shot up to 40100
Finally BNF was ended 39812.25 down 0.3%
Private banks was seen mixed trend
Kotakbank seen selling pressure
Icicibank consolidated marginal loss
VIX sustained around 19
Option premium didn’t fall due to volatility
PSUBanks did well on Sept 6
However, BankniftyFuture is facing a intraday resistance 39950 and 40100
If breaks and manages above 40100 finding a next resistance 40300
But, Stay caution at higher levels!!
On other side, BNF can be considered as supports as 39720, 39630 and 39500
If breaks and manages below 39500 further weakness will be expected up to 39200
Updated: 08.26 am / 07th Sept 2022